lunes, 2 de junio de 2008

5- Exam opynion essay

Too much importance is given to talking exams at school. Do you agree?

Normally, schools in the all the world, give more importance to exams than to evaloating students general progres. Im my opinion, this schools in general and also my school give more importance exams.

The exams take a lot of time of study, that we can do other thihng more important in our lives. But on the other hand, I believe that in the exams we learnt a lot and the we learn some things that only with practice we cannot.
For example the English practice is very important for talk, but if we don't study the grammatical English, we will make mistakes when we talk. In my school for example some teacher give more importance to exams like the philosophy teacher or the teacher of spanish, but other teacher like english don't give more importance to exms and give more importance and work.

In conclusion, the exams are very effective for learning but no for this the schools and some teacher had given more importance to exams.

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