viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008
1- The First Mail.
Hello Gemma!
I’m Eudald Sanllehí Cortada and I was born on February 4, 1991. I study and live in Castelló d’Empúries. Surely I will study administration and organization of company in Barcelona or Girona. My level of English isn’t very high.
I have many hobbies but the best hobby for me is the sport in general. I watch many events of football, basketball, tennis, handball and more of others sports on TV. I like almost all the sports. But the sports aren’t only my hobbies, also are hobbies play the playstation or the computer and also I like the music. I play music with my contrabass on cobla Empordanesa. But I like different music for listen as ACDC and Kiss, those are the two best groups of heavy rock in my opinion, also I like other types of music as Lou Reed, and others. In the out-of-school hours I practice handball with some friends and play the contrabass in the orquestra, cobla or with my teacher in the music school of Castelló d’Empúries. Also I like eat food, my favorite food is pasta, pizza and hamburgers. I like a lot the animals and I’ have two cats and two aquariums of 120l and 240l. One of my cat isn’t normal because it weights ten kilos but is very quiet and the other cat is very nervous and always run and jump into the house. Into the aquariums I have natural plants and different types of fishes as Discus, Neon or Oscars.
My life is very simple, only go to school at eight o’clock, and when I arrive at my house y do homework, study and after to study I like playing my hobbies. And I expect to approve the subject of English this year.
2- Opinion Essay and Discussion Essay
Humour: Is Humour necessary to survive?
I think that no; the humour isn’t necessary to survive. We can live in the world without humour. The pure humour is the laughing and I believe that isn’t necessary the laughing for live.
I think that the humour isn’t necessary to survive but I believe that if in your life that is humour you live better. A lot of people haven’t humour in their life and they live well, but they can live better with humour. The humour helps to lead the life of today that is much stressed. Also is beneficiary because you can be connected with others persons more better if in your life there is humour, if there isn’t humour in your life and is sad, you can have a problems for connect.
In conclusion, I think that the humour isn’t necessary for live but if in your life there is humour you live better.
Computers have made the world a better place.
In conclusion, the computers have made an easier world and for more people a better place but for other persons haven’t made a better place.
3- Summaries Of News

Champions League
Others results on the Chamipon League are Bayern Munich 1-1 Lyon, Villarreal 1- 0 Celtic, Zenit 1-2 Real Madrid, Aalborg 0-3 Manchester United, BATE Borisov 2-2 Juventus, Fenerbache 0-0 Dynamo Kiev and for finish Fiorentina 0-0 Steaua Bucharest.
2-0: m.40: Adebayor.
3-0: m.47: Van Persie.
4-0: min.70: Adebayor, of penalty.
First-time novelist wins Booker
This year the winner of Man Booker prize is Aravind Adiga. He wins with his debut novel The White Tiger.
He has thirty three years and was born on
The others great contenders to win Booker prize are Amitav Ghosh, Steve Toltz, Lindia Grant and Phillip Hensher.

Armstrong plans Australian and Tour of
Armstrong is and will be the best professional cycling man of the history. Because he wins seven Tours of France and this year maybe he will win the eight Tour.
4- Summary Of The Film

· The principal character is Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) and the second characters are God (Morgan Freeman) and Grace Connelly (Jennifer Aniston). This film is comedy film from United States, the budget was eighty million dollars and the length is hundred one minutes.
Bruce Almighty “Como Dios” in Spanish is one film of 2003 that the principal character is Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) that is one notice reporter and that he wants become to notice presenter.
He believes that will be promoted but won’t be promoted and he is dismiss for offend the channel. He began to grumble against god since one day god appear and says him that if he wants to be god. And god gives the power him. Bruce Nolan use the power for made a lot of things, but he abuses his powers. After he just found out that also can help the other people and he do this.
But the powers affect the relationship with his girlfriend and Bruce Nolan just found out that only god can control the power.
It sucks
Hold the phone
Knock it off, guys
Oh my gosh!
6- Oral Presentation
The Job in 19th century:
The most important thing in the 19th century was the development of the industrial revolution that began in the 18th century in Great Britain; Later expanded to others countries as France, Germany and others.
In the 19th century the people who lived in the rural houses worked in the farm and in the field, and the people who lived in the cities worked in the factories.
The most important factories in the 19th century in Great Britain were the textile an iron that was situated in the cities.
In the film Pride and Prejudice you can see as the family Bennet lived in the rural house and have a little farm next to the house.
In the photos you can see a factory and a work in the field.
The children of rich families had education because their parents could pay the private teachers and the children of poor families hadn’t education because their parents couldn’t pay the private teachers and in the 19th century there weren’t public schools.
From 1899 the children were required to go to school until they have twelwe years old.
In the 19th century there were two types of diet; the diet of the poor people and the rich people diet. The poor people only could eat potatoes, bread, butter, eggs and bacon, and the rich people they could eat all that they wanted.
Until the finally of 19th century the famous fish and chips didn’t exist, that means that the family Bennet didn’t eat the fish and chips.
The poor people were the majority, were the worker class and couldn’t vote. And the rich people were the minority but had a power of Oligarchy and could vote.
In the photos you can see two examples of two classes, the pour people in this photo and the rich people in the other.
lunes, 2 de junio de 2008
7- Final evaluation
In my opinion the activity which best shows my level of English is the oral presentation.
I believe that are the orals and some activty of writing, the first because you learn to explain and speaking and the second because you can better your level of writing.
All of activities has been good for learn Englis, in my opinion, some more and some less.
The best enjoy activities, I believe that has been the dialogues and acrostics and would like to do again next year the dialogues.
6- Saint George Acrostic
5- Exam opynion essay
Normally, schools in the all the world, give more importance to exams than to evaloating students general progres. Im my opinion, this schools in general and also my school give more importance exams.
The exams take a lot of time of study, that we can do other thihng more important in our lives. But on the other hand, I believe that in the exams we learnt a lot and the we learn some things that only with practice we cannot.
For example the English practice is very important for talk, but if we don't study the grammatical English, we will make mistakes when we talk. In my school for example some teacher give more importance to exams like the philosophy teacher or the teacher of spanish, but other teacher like english don't give more importance to exms and give more importance and work.
In conclusion, the exams are very effective for learning but no for this the schools and some teacher had given more importance to exams.
4- Formal and Informal dialogue
In this link there is my and eric dialogue.
3- Three news
In the first match Switzerland has been play most well than Republic Check, but the team who has won this match has been Republic Check with the goal of Sverkos at the minute seventy.
Switzerland: Benaglio, Lichtsteiner (Vonlanthen 75), Muller, Senderos, Magnin, Behrami (Derdiyok 83), Inler, Gelson, Barnetta, Frei (Yakin 46), Streller.Subs Not Used: Zuberbuhler, Jakupovic, Djourou, Huggel, Cabanas, Grichting, Gygax, Spycher, Degen.
Booked: Magnin, Vonlanthen, Barnetta.
Czech Republic: Cech, Jankulovski, Rozehnal, Ujfalusi, Grygera, Plasil, Polak, Galasek, Jarolim (Kovac 87), Sionko (Vlcek 83), Koller (Sverkos 56).Subs Not Used: Blazek, Zitka, Fenin, Pospech, Kadlec, Baros, Matejovsky, Sivok, Skacel.
Goals: Sverkos 70.
2- Opinion essay
The question is if we preserve the world, the planet like it we would have to preserve, if we go towards good way or not. Some persons can say that we do not go towards good way and others that yes.
The persons who defend that yes that we go for good way, they say that everything what is said of the global warming is a lie and that it is a consequence of the variations that has the planet during his history, which begins another cycle and that the humans don’t have the guilt.
The persons who defend that no that we go for good way, they say that the global warming is an increase of the temperature of the planet and that the humans are the principal guilts. Or we stop of do bad things for the world or we suffer in the future the consequence that won’t be pleasant.
No, in my opinion still we haven’t learned to concern our world, and this is demonstrates for Global Warming and others things how the increase of the temperature of the planet our dissolution of the glass in the north and the south pools... In my opinion all is blame of the humans, because always we have been bad things for the maintenance ours world how for example: the enormous quantity of residues that we throw to the sea or to the air, all the trees that we cut...
1- 3rd Oral Presentation
domingo, 9 de marzo de 2008
1- Little Presentation.
The objective of this portfolio between others things is teaches the English, that my level of this language isn’t very raise. Also best the level of my English
There it starts my portfolio.
3- First Mail
My name is Eudald Sanllehí Cortada, and I have sixteen years old. I live in Castelló d’Empúries and I study in IES Castelló d’Empúries, in first B in “Batxillerat”. One curiosity in my class is that we are twenty-three girls and only six boys. In my class we are the “batxillerats” social and humanistic.
I have many hobbies, the best hobby for my, is watching TV in the sofa. In the TV I watch many matches of football, basketball, tennis, handball and more matches of others sports, I like all sports. Others hobbies are playing to Playstation or computer also playing to contrabass, and practice to many sports with my fiends how cycling, football, basketball, or handball with Esplais team of Castelló d’Empúries.
Also I like to eat food, my favorite food is pasta, pizza and hamburgers, but also I like to eat food traditional how “botifarra amb mongetes”.
My life is very simple, only go to school at eight o’clock, and when I arrive at my house y do homework, study and after to study I like playing my hobbies. In my house I lived with only may mum because my father lives in the other house with my three sisters. In my house I have one cat, big cat because it weight ten kilos, also I have one aquarium or tang of 120 lt with fishes, before I had two “periquitos”, they were color blue and green.
This is my presentation.
4- The Horror Story.
Ichabod Crane and Katerina Van Tassel, Once finished with Hessiano, they go to live in Nova York, the city of Ichabod. But the history don’t finished, because, after one time, one day, they prepared a travel to Sleepy Hollow to visit the people of the village. When they arrived in this village, Ichabod and Katerina were installed in a little hotel, and they noted that it was a bit strange, but the hotel was very comfortable. But they didn’t knew that the hotel was delighted they couldn’t leave of the hotel of the rest of his life. The next day, Ichabod check the house when Katerina is sleeping. He returned of this room and he wake Katerina for run away of this hotel, but it was impossible. Exasperates, they find a bottle of alcohol, ant later; catch a bell of the wall. They provoked a fire in the door, but the door doesn’t break. Finally, the two persons, death in the hotel burned.
This is the true final of the history of the film Sleepy Hollow.
Èric and Eudald
6- Frankenstein.
7- The Formal Letter.
Castelló d’Empúries
26th January 2008
The Head Teacher
I.E.S. Castelló d’Empúries
6 Rentador Street
Castelló d’Empúries
Dear Lluïsa Pintor
I am writing to tell you advantages and inconvenient, in my opinion, of our institute. And I tell you which are things can improve.
I believe that you would be interested to know which the opinion of students is that there are a lot of things for improve. Between lot things, the opinion of students is that the dinner has been better than now, because now the dinner is very bad according to opinion of students. They say that should engage one chef. Others complaints that the students made official to teacher are: We have many hours to school and would like reduce. Also we believe that have too many homework and we ask that the teachers reduce the quantity of homework.
Now, I explain things that the students were to agree. We are agreeing that if in last hour of day there isn’t the teacher, we can go out. Also those in hour of break we can go out to the school and can go to eat at the bar.
More generally in my opinion, I believe that the four types of “batxillerat” are too many generals and I believe that should be more specifics for face one university career.
I hope be me explain good and I hope that you solve some complaint that don’t like me and neither the students of I.E.S. Castelló d’Empúries institute.
Thanks you for read my letter director.
Yours faithfully.
Eudald Sanllehí Cortada.
8- Dialogue.
In this web there is the my and Eric Mesas Dialogue.
9- Summaries of News.
Sunday, 23 September 2007 in the stadium of Manchester United (Old Trafford) playing the match Manchester United and Chelsea. The coach of Chelsea now is Tal Ben Haim because Jose Mourinho resigned to the coach position. This new is the most important new before beginning the match. The match was very happy and with many occasions. The two goals in the match of Manchester United put Carlos Tevez in the minute forty-five and Saha in the minute 90 of penalty. The best player of this match was Carlos Tevez who is a new player of Manchester United this year, because the last year he played to West Ham, the Hammers. The Chelsea has played a bad match, for this he has lost this match. The refree of this match, Mike Dean has played a very good match.
Manchester United: Van der Sar, Brown, Ferdinand, Vidic, Evra, Ronaldo, Scholes, Carrick, Giggs, Tevez, Rooney. Subs Not Used: Kuszczak, Nani, Pique, O'Shea.
Chelsea: Cech, Ferreira, Ben-Haim, Terry, Ashley Cole, Makelele, Essien, Obi, Joe Cole, Shevchenko, Malouda. Subs Not Used: Cudicini, Alex.
Goals: Tevez 45, Saha 90 pen.
Referee: Mike Dean.
Argentina wins the match vs. Venezuela for 2-0, the goals of the match: Gabriel Milito the central defender of FC Barcelona made the first goal of “albiceleste” at sixteen minute and Messi made the second goal at forty-three minute. The best player of this match has been Messi between other things becaouse the goal at forty-three minute, this player is considerate one iof the best players i the world and he plays in F.C.Barcelona. The best player of Venezuela has been the goalkeeper, Jose Manuel Rey because he has stoped a lot of balls.
Argentina: Leo Franco, Insua, Milito, Ayala, Coloccini, Macherano, Aimar, Messi Diego Milito, D’Allesandro and Tevez.
Venezuela: Jose Manuel Rey, Nicolas Ferdor, Massimo Margiotta, Jonay Hernandez, Renny Vega, Daniel Arizmendi, Jose Torrealba, Alejandro Moreno, Jorge Aleberto Torba, Ricardo David Paez and Juan Arango.
3-Barça's Big Euro Test.
In this group E, there are four European teams how all. There are the FC Barcelona that is the favourite in this group, Olympique Lionnais that he comes to
FC Barcelona now, working thinking to the next year season. In the team there are positions that are urgent to improve and one of these positions is right defender. Maicon is one objective for this position.
The birthday of this player is the twenty-six of July (twenty-seven years). He’s measure one hundred and eighty-four centimetres and he’s weight seventy-seven kilos. He played in Cruzeiro, Monaco and now he plays in the Inter of Milan. And for finish I’m inform that he goes with his national team Brazil, that in this matches he scored four goals.
Kimi Raikkonen of Ferrari, today, is the winner of Malaysian Grand Prix, the second career of Championship of Formula one. In this career Fernando Alonso of Renault has been eight positions.
Raikkonen has dominated the career with big authority and he has finished with twenty seconds of vantage with regard second driver, Robert Kubica of Sauber BMW, and thirty-eight seconds with regard of thirst driver, Heikki Kovalainen of McLaren Mercedes. Lewis Hamilton also McLaren has finished in five position behind Jarno Trulli, Italian driver of Toyota. Hamilton is the leader of Championship with fourteen points, yet. And the second position of this Championship is for Nick Heidfiled of BMW Sauber, today has been sixth. Fernando Alonso who has been eighth couldn’t be seventh because in this position there was Mark Webber of Red-Bull Team.
The FC Barcelona wins this Sunday at Valladolid for 4-1 in the Camp Nou, the stadium of Barça. The goals have been of Eto’o the first, Iniesta the second and the thirst and fourth have been of Bojan Krkic. And this Sunday the Real Madrid loses to Valencia with 2-3, because Arizmendi has made the thirst goal of Valencia. Thanks this goal the FC Barcelona come has been four points the Real Madrid, and he can wins this league yet. The best player in the match of the Barça has been Bojan Krkic and the match of Real Madrid the best player has been David Villa with two goals.
10- The Films.

This film starts when seems that a black men murderer other man. But really he isn’t the murderer. The murderer is other person. But the police catch to the black man in the scene of murder, and take this man to prison. This black man is one of the main characters who are interpreted for Wesley Snips, and the other is one police who is interpreted for Tommy Lee Jones who is the police, two famous actors. The police man try capture to fugitive, the black man that he escape of accident to plane that transport the prisoners.
Expressions of the film:
Jesus, Mary!
Or Jesus Christ!
Oh shit!
Don’t worry.
Is this a joke?
This in no joke.
What happening
12- Description.
Samuel Eto’o has a lion look, he run behind all of balls with aggressiveness; he’s a winner, so he’s really competitive. On the other hand, he’s very sociable, but when he annoy we can look his bad temper. In TV or radio interviews, for example, he appears to be quiet calm and very friendly.
Some football players are particularly big-headed and not at all friendly, but Samuel Eto’o‘s most friendly than a lot of this football players. In my opinion Eto’o is the best striker in the national Spanish league.